flarum 有了解么?能否加个类似的标签功能? Page2
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回复#20 @lincanbin :
回复#21 @大孟 :
回复#22 @lincanbin :
Flarum renders very basic versions of the discussion list and discussions (within <noscript> tags), which are going to be specifically optimised for search engines. This all takes place in Flarum\Forum\IndexAction and DiscussionAction, which extend Support\ClientAction and use Flarum\Support\ClientView. The actions get data from the Flarum's API and pass it onto content views (discussion.blade.php and index.blade.php). I'm happy to explain more if need be because it can get pretty confusing.
Put simply, the code is a mess. It needs to be rethought and refactored. A few thoughts:
We probably want to use or build some kind of library that makes it easier to work with a JSON-API document payload.
Similarly, we probably want to use or build some kind of library that will help generate URLs/query strings/etc.
Only after doing this will we be able to effectively optimise the SEO content and do the following:
Add tags
Add description tags
Think about other stuff like schema.org
回复#23 @betw :
Put simply, the code is a mess. It needs to be rethought and refactored.
回复#24 @lincanbin :
Flarum 对 Google 的 SEO 做的还不错,只是百度太另类
回复#25 @justjavac :