Android app.
Android app.
By kirael
at 2016-04-11
0人收藏 • 2166人看过
How should i connect to android app? should i use domain for the android app and mobile version? can you help me. need some information how can i set it up.
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6 个回复 | 最后更新于 2016-04-14
You should bind multiple sub domains to your host, and enable them in dashboard.
回复#2 @kirael :
What is your API domain name? .
public static final String BASIC_API_URL = "" + WEBSITE_PATH;
回复#4 @kirael :
Do you resolve and bind the domain name to your host?
回复#4 @kirael :
I saw a apperent error in your code, you had double 'a' in your domin